Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I heard the owl at midnight. Not the fairy trill of the Screech, but the oracular notes of the Great Horned that frequently spends his evenings in the invisible branches of the nighttime trees. He often calls to us of other worlds; his low, mysterious voice imparting wisdom we mere humans cannot yet comprehend. But in the morning, upon looking out the window at breakfast time, I understood the message he had perhaps been foretelling. For there outside, falling slowly from the skies like heavenly cotton... Snow. For the first time this year. Each delicious flake drifting down so casually, one’s eye could pick one out and follow it all the long way from grey sky to brown earth, never losing it in the crowd of its ivory brethren. Within an hour our world was iced like a birthday cake by the wizardry of a snowfall and our little cottage now sat squarely on the pages of a storybook. Winter laughed at Spring as we pulled on newly knitted hats and scarves and rushed out to play our parts in this pageantry of snow.

For after all, no one enjoys snow more than


  1. I just love that look on Apple's face, Pamela!

    Your description of the owl and the snow is wonderful!

  2. How cute! We have snow, too and keep looking in wonder every time we pass a window!

  3. Your glorious writing takes my breath away. I read your words out loud to my husband, (1) so he will know your talent and (2) so I can hear the richness of your words filling the air around us! WOW!
    So glad I discovered your blog so long ago. And I do so love Edward and Apple! Thank you!


  4. Such a happy photo of Apple!

  5. Enjoy your wintery white world! Ours melted quickly, although patches of icy white stuff persists in the shade.

  6. Your words have captured the very magic I feel aboyt falling snow and a brand new ransformatin of the known world.
    Lovely accompanying pictures, Appl's posture speaks more of joy than words could say.

  7. Pamela, you are blessed with the gift of writing. You paint pictures with your beautiful words and create such magical places for us to visit. Thank you.

    I missed the snowfall in North Alabama, but I was blessed to be on our tiny barrier island with our new lil' grandangel, Stella Donna.

    What a precious picture of Apple. Hugs to you, Edward and Apple.


  8. Oh... that is a kodak moment of Apple!

  9. Delightful.Beautiful.

  10. Apple is having such fun. When I look at that little face I want to run and jump like that too. xv

  11. Love the drawing of the owl! I saw a white owl in Mexico on several occasions. Amazing! Enjoy the snow!

  12. Oh! Your words are like spun sugar.Crystalline.

    And Apple???I feel like Ihaven't met him...what a hoot! Does edward like the snow??

  13. :-) Ph that little dog's joy made me smile. Precious (name she came with) just looked bewildered at it, Angel look it in her stride and came in quickly, and Fluff wanted to romp with excitement. I think she and apple would get on well.

    We had a brief flurry of snow as the children were off to school, but it didn't settle.

  14. What wonderful words and phrases you use 'falling slowly from the skies like heavenly cotton' and 'Winter laughed at spring' - beautiful:)

  15. This is my favorite post yet, Pamela.

  16. Like Vickie H.- I asked if my husband would like to read a few of your posts, he did and I believe that he quietly enters your world on occasion. Apple looks to be having the time of her life~

  17. So wonderful. Thank you for your kind words and wishes as well. Smiles, LC

  18. That photo is hilarious! I love it. The way you describe that magical snowy scene brings it clearly to my mind. Beautiful.

  19. The icing could have been a birthday present IF we had the day at home to snuggle and enjoy. Too bad work was calling. I loved the owl staring straight at us and Apple was doing what we all need to do - frolicking!

  20. Beautiful - i love to hear the owls hooting their magical & mysterious messages through the darkness of the night, Such a wonderful picture of apple too, full of fun.

  21. Hello P&E and Apple!

    I don't think I've met Apple before?! He/she is certainly having a good time.

    As usual, Pamela, you words create a world of quiet wonder. Another superb picture too!

  22. That is an amazing photo of Apple!

    We have owls around Willow Manor. Their mellow, haunting hoot always strikes a chord of melancholy in me.

  23. Dogs and snow go together like a horse and carriage, or is that love and marriage? Anyway, they do seem to love the snow and their enthusiasm is so infectious. Does Edward like it too or does he not like to get his paws wet?

  24. Oh my goodness - what a perfect photo of an Oh So exuberant snow dog Miss Apple. Much Love from Miss D who is soundly snoring at my feet and of course love also from tout la Gang.

  25. You always bring such beauty to the lives of those who are lucky enough to read your corner of the web.

    Because of this, I've listed you to receive the "Fabby Blog" Award. You can pick up the icon on my blog if you like.

  26. A Spring post and then snow - what do you know!

  27. That picture of Apple really captures her personality!
    Beautiful post, as always.


  28. Seriously joyful little dog in that photo.

  29. Wonderful photo of the dog in the snow!
    I enjoyed your last two posts with their birds. We've seen many robins here already, and hear the owl in the trees in the early eveing, but rarely see him.
    Beautiful writing - such a treat to stop here before leaving for work.

  30. The owl picture is lovely, Apple is a darling, but where, I ask, is the famour Edward? Could it be that he doesn't care for snow?
    Beautiful piece of writing by the way.

  31. Pamela, I wasn’t sure if these evocative words were yours our a quotation at first. You write so lyrically. Your “spring” sounds like ours. I love the delight of Apple’s leap. You do live in a storybook world; thanks for sharing a page of it.

  32. one of my favorite things on the planet - owls - I love driving at night and having an owl fly along beside me for a short bit as I travel the rural roads - could Apple be any happier?!

  33. Oh hi there, I just found your blog and it´s just lovely!

    I hope you are enjoying your weekend:)

    Hugs Gunilla in Singapore

  34. 'Have someone handsome peel you a grape'....(you posted as a comment)

    Only YOU could make that sound so beautiful. I actually giggled. Out loud.

  35. Beautiful writing and picture. Apple is having such fun!

  36. The picture of the owl, and the narrative fit so well together. Owls are one of my favourite birds, though I have many.

    Apple looks like she's having a blast running through the snow!

  37. "Winter laughed at Spring..." Wonderful, and so true, Pamela. Great picture of Apple, and the owl is so handsome. :)


I love to read your comments! Each and every one! Though I'm always reading your comments, I may not respond in the comment section. If you want to write me directly, you may do so at pamela@pamelaterry.net. Thank you for reading!