Saturday, February 7, 2009

A Warm Day

It was a gift unexpected, but a gift to be sure. It arrived on our doorstep unwrapped but so welcome that, to our eyes, it appeared swathed in a gossamer silk, festooned with a garland of pearl. After the four coldest days of the winter, a tiny, sweet gift of Spring. Adorned with a cloudless azure sky , it was warm and still - a hint, a mere glimmer, of May. No matter our plans for the day, it was a gift we could not wait to open, for who knew when it would come again? We threw down the usual and made for the trees, where we spent the afternoon roaming though forests and meadows still deep in their winter sleep, still robed in cloaks of muted grey, for they were wise enough to know this gift was only meant for one day. The winter air which had only yesterday slapped our cheeks with icy fingers, now floated placidly round us as we walked, too tame to trouble even the tiniest leaf left on the tiniest tree. There were no flowers, no green, no fragrance of Spring, and the light that sliced through the bare oaks all around us still bore the sharp slant of a February sun. No matter. For just when we had begun to think that Mother Nature had abandoned colour and warmth for good, she bestowed a gift of a few warm winter hours to let us know that, no, she has not forgotten Spring. Her gift was but a sweet reminder that no matter how frozen the world around us might appear, warm days will soon arrive. So, we ran and we ran, and Edward was difficult to hold back as he tugged at his lead in excitement and pulled me along through the fair afternoon.
It was a delightful gift, and how happy were we to open it.

I wonder if the sap is stirring yet,
If wintry birds are dreaming of a mate,
If frozen snowdrops feel as yet the sun
And crocus fires are kindling one by one:
Sing robin, sing:
I still am sore in doubt concerning Spring.

Christina Rossetti


  1. I love those first promises of spring - we have also had a couple of days to remind us that we are nearing the end....

  2. Alex and I are experiencing such a gift today: present temperature 56 F. Alex is outside catting around for the third time since we awakened this morning!

  3. I saw a few robins yesterday! My heart leapt joy! Spring is coming!

    We have wind and 44 delightful degrees today!!

  4. That is absolutely beautiful Pamela. One year - the year after I was widowed, on January 28th I wrote in my diary that I sat on a tree stump in a field, in my shirt-sleeves, ate an apple and did the Times crossword. I remember it well - the warm sun did my heart good. This year on that date there was heavy snow.

  5. Lovely warming blog (it is meant to be -12 here tonight) and wonderful Rossetti.

  6. Oh Pamela. I'm spellbound.Your writing is beautiful.

  7. Ahhh... a late winter day that reminds us not to give up- soon spring will come. I would imagine that was the very best gift for you, but even more so for Edward.

  8. I can well imagine Edward's excitement on his walk for my Madelaine was practically giddy as we returned from ours... soaking wet paws, lungs filled with fresh air and the heart overflowing with the promise of spring.
    xo Susan

  9. If it weren't for those lovely little whiffs of spring, how could we survive that last, long home stretch of winter? Terra and I had a lovely walk yesterday, too. No ice, just puddles. Blue sky, light weight jacket (no snow pants!!). The baby isn't big enough to brave the great outdoors yet - but maybe the next nice day, when Mother Nature decides to bestow another treat.

  10. I saw the buds of the tiny tete a tete daffodils for the 1st time this week. I think Winter is losing his battle.

  11. Isn't it glorious! Well said, as ever.

  12. Pamela, I so love the sentence about 'the light that sliced through the bare oaks ...'

    These early glimpses of Spring are so encouraging and lift the spirits indeed!

  13. A taste of spring came to my neighborhood too - and I made as good use of it as I could...lots of walks and fresh felt wonderful...Love the Rossetti poem...

  14. Winter is losiing its grip, and you're right; even the animals feel it! I went for a walk today in our 48-degree weather. Sublime!

  15. My dear husband and I enjoyed the gift of a warm day as well. Hopefully more of them won't be too long in coming. As always, you paint beautiful portraits with simple words.

  16. Pussy willows and scotch broom beginning to bloom beautifully you express it.

  17. Oh those warm spring reminding days! Your posts never cease to amaze me. Each post is like the beginning of a new novel -the kind where one would lie on a silk chaise by a tall sunny window with tea and cakes with pink frosting to savor every word.

  18. Re the earlier post.
    I, too, have very vivid recall of place - mush more than of people oddly.
    A beautifully written vignette.
    Warmer here.
    Tell Edward that I'm going to try to get in to the Westminster Dog Show this afternoon.

  19. Spring is flirting with the Midwest again. It's about time we saps got running again. ;)

  20. Doesn't it just renew the spirit?

  21. The weather here has been very mild since Saturday morning: pure delight over the frigid cold we've been enduring. Your post spoke to me in its lustre of words.

  22. It was a delightful weekend wasn't it? Sort of a tease, but a fun one!

  23. I've seen them too, the first promises, and heard them too in the birds singing but still it is so cold and there is snow...

  24. The gift is still giving up in South Carolina. It's in the 70's today! But my boys are still hoping for one good snow before Spring!

  25. As always your words and images warm me right up although I do love the last blasts of snow.

  26. Thanks for your kind words on my blog...
    We're still snowed under..!
    Beautiful post - I can't wait for the Spring to arrive on this side of "the pond"..:)

  27. ...and here we are searching for signs of Autumn. Even if it's smouldering during the day, the evening brings the faintest freshness that nobody but the most avid Autumn lover would notice.

    Beautifully written!

  28. And a wonderful gift indeed! Your beautiful description of it made it all the more special.
    xo Isa

  29. Yes, Edward, I remember the tugging of a beloved one. :(

  30. Yes, like that here, but instead of being out there I am, as you know, a prisoner in the dining room painting myself into a corner!!!!

    You expressed it perfectly, the coming of Spring. Today I see a couple of galanthus in bloom, their little white, like snowdrops, bells hanging quietly in the warm air. A robin sang in the tree by the front door - all signs but teasers too, as we know Winter has more to share.

    Pamela - thanks for stopping by so often and leaving your kind comments, I always love to hear from you and Edward.

  31. Hello P&E,

    Lovely words and poem. I'm glad you were both able to make the most of your gift! We could use a few hours of winter sunshine right now!

  32. Yesterday was such a warm day! And the manor was almost blown away last night!

  33. We had been blessed with the warmer days as well but followed with ferocious winds and a reminder that Old Man Winter is not finished with us yet...It was so delightful to have temps in the high 60's, though...

    How I love the works of Christina Rossetti....

  34. Wonderful! I can just see Edward bounding along, as was my Bebbers on the mild days we were gifted with too, recently. And a lovely illustration on this post too...

  35. the sun has been shining here but the ice covering everything still keeps us slipping and sliding.. Thanks for the run.. me and the dogs needed it if only in our dreams!!

  36. Just beautiful your words and Rosetti's.


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