Saturday, October 18, 2008

Sea Walk

I walked out to the sea at midnight.
In the roar of the night sea winds, I crossed opalescent white dunes, and stood spellbound under the hallucinatory glow of a low-hanging full moon. Not a bashful moon, content to gently impart its light in a modest manner, satisfied with the usual soft shadows and gently glimmering waters. This moon was theatrical. Suffused with an intensity of flame, it poured its golden light liberally over all creation, with a passion that enabled the dark sea waters to shine as rolling glass and the soft sands to glitter with such phosphorescence as if composed of a multitude of fairy crystals. This October moon was the author of a night not quite day and a day not quite night. The only solitary soul on the beach, it was as though I walked through a painting, feeling ephemeral and everlasting at the same time. I drank in as much of the restorative scene as I could hold and eventually turned and headed back to the tiny cottage where a big sleepy white dog sat staring out from a screened porch, only barely concealing his exasperation at not being included on this gift of a seaside walk.

I made it up to him the next day when he ran, unleashed and with his distaste of wet feet forgotten, over rocks and into tidal pools with the sort of joy that remains reserved for big dogs on fair beaches.


  1. Your prose is sheer poetry. I know that sounds like a contradiction, but food for the soul is never contradictive.
    No wonder Edward was a little miffed. You went off alone under the moon and, though he saw Aslan on the rock at the spit on the right, you left him bereft. Glad you could make it up the next day.
    Drink of the sea and the sky until your soul sings. Blessings galore,

  2. Poetry indeed...have a wonderful weekend(and Edward looks great!)

  3. Pamela, what a lovely rendering of the sea and moon! Isn’t the moon just amazing at this time of year? You capture it so well. Edward looks half seal too on the rocks. Your cottage by the sea is enchanting. I look forward to seeing more of your vacation.

  4. Seeing Edward at the beach makes me happy!

  5. Beach wet feet are just ... different.

  6. Edward looks so contented on the beach, the cottage looks wonderful and your writing, as ever, is enchanting:)

  7. Lovely, lovely sea. I'm glad you we're able to get away and refresh the soul. There is nothing like looking out to the grand, majestic ocean to set you to rights. Restores hope, doesn't it? The wee cottage you are staying in sounds positively delightful. I love tiny places. And Edward looks kingly sitting atop the sea rocks. How wonderful. Your post refreshed me...thank you for sharing of your moonlit walk.

  8. Miss D says "be still her heart" what a very handsome Edward at the beach. xo, S & the gang

  9. so romantic - moonlit walk by the sea - the pic of Edward on the rocks?, he looks like he conquered it all and is fully satisfied with himself - pic of cottage, yum.

  10. Happy Edward! What a wonderful night it sounds.

  11. Your vacation sounds so lovely, the cottage looks completely charming, and Edward certainly looks happy. I hope you and Edward enjoy the rest of your time away!

  12. What a gorgeous seaside picture. He looks the epitome of glee :)

    Kim x

  13. Beautiful! Both the prose and the photo!!!

    Have a great weekend!
    kari & kijsa

  14. Doesn't Edward look just majestic? Like the words preceding his picture!
    Lisa & Alfie

  15. beautiful images and prose! kiss Edward for me, por favor!

  16. I agree with arija: it is prose-poetry. And the images are visual poetry.

  17. Edward looks so content looking out across the sea.Perhaps one of his ancestors was a salty seadog sailing on the high seas, new adventures at every port.
    Or on the other hand he is just content to be in such a beautiful place with his mistress breathing in the sea air and running through the sand.
    Your writing has enveloped me and lifted my spirits!
    xo Susan

  18. Pamela, you really should put your talent for lyrical prose to work and write a book. I love reading your posts because they always conjure up mystically beautiful scenes in my imagination.

  19. What a wonderful post! Although Edward couln't go on the seaside walk, your words transported me. Edward is so handsome there, perched on his rock. What a fine fellow you have!

    Congratulations on finishing your knitting lessons! Please post a photo of one of your projects!

  20. your midnight stroll sounds enchanting. and i'm glad edward got his romp in the next day!

  21. Oh how lovely! You are quite a wordsmith. What a beautiful place you live! I see how you are inspired. And your Edward is quit handsome.
    I love your about me blurb, I too dream of Scotland. Where I live resembles Scotland very much.
    This morning I was up at 330 so took a walk on our beach, Bonny Doon. It is the most special moon lately, the light is unreal who can sleep! And the air... it's been a magical month, I'll be sorry when this season is moved on.
    I 'youtubed' my beach once and saw some nice videos folks had posted. It occurs to me I could 'youtube' scottish beaches...
    I'm very happy to have met you, thanks for visiting my blog. You have sparked my mind... I look forward to visiting again.
    Best warm wishes for a beautiful week!

  22. Pamela,
    I love your imagery and your use of metaphor. My favorite is the moon as an author. It has sent my mind spinning in all kinds of directions! Thanks!

  23. Your cottage by the beach is surreally beautiful! I'm sure you are having a dreamy vacation .. enjoy!

  24. This post was so descriptive and enchanting Pamela, thank-you...and dear beautiful Edward,a delightful change of scenery for those paws to pad around. He is such a lovely dog.

  25. Beautiful!
    There's nothing like a walk by the sea...

  26. What a beautiful post. Thank you for offering such beautiful poetry to us.

    Nothing like the sea to soothe the soul!

  27. And by the way I like how the photo of Edward almost mirrors the Ishmael one below!


  28. Very beautiful! I can quite imagine Edwards joy at feeling sand "between his toes":-) Rosie

  29. Wonderful prose, I was transporeted to the seaside midnight walk, something I have done many, many times in the past...

  30. Yes, I can see it and feel it. I'm there.

  31. Beautiful! You clearly made the very most of your trip, and Edward looks so happy!

  32. Oh my goodness, Pamela....your pictures in this post just take my breath away. And your words painted such a vision.

    I saw that lovely full moon from our tiny island cottage but wasn't blessed with capturing the essence of it's magic.

    Thank you for such a lovely and magical place to visit.


  33. I thoroughly enjoyed your sea walk!
    Thanks so much for visiting my new blog and kind words.
    best wishes,

    Nancy and =^..^=

  34. Pamela,
    How refreshed you and of course, Edward, will be when you return to everyday appointments and expectations.....

    I enjoyed reading of your moonlit stroll........Betty

  35. How lucky you are to have an oceanside cottage to retreat to. And with a full, theatrical moon for company! It does sound like walking in a painting indeed.

    To me the beach is one of those magical, liminal locations, (especially when lit by the moon), a transition point, balanced between water and land, ocean and air... You capture it perfectly.

  36. Sounds like your getaway was chicken soup for the soul...Edward looks blissful among the rocks...

  37. I just adore your painting.

    Your writing too is as perfect as ever.

  38. How I love a cottage on/near the beach . . .

  39. What happiness on Edward's face. A beautiful smile.


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