Monday, September 1, 2008

The First of September

A wisp of a warm wind slips through an open window, mischievously lifts a page of the calendar that rests on the uncluttered desk. The page rises, flutters for a moment then falls. And just like that, it’s the first of September. September, the glorious month given the honor of holding open the door for the entrance of autumn, when clear, cloudless skies bequeath infinite possibilities and crisp, chilly nights bestow storybook memories. I fell in love in the autumn, planned my winter wedding in the autumn. And each year, every year, when September dawns once again, those magic feelings of first and forever love return, crystalline and true.
I fall in love all over again.

"The true beloveds of this world are, in their lover's eyes,
lilacs opening, ship lights, school bells, a landscape, remembered conversations, friends, a child's Sunday, lost voices, one's favorite suit, autumn and all seasons, memory, yes, it being the earth and water of existence, memory."
Truman Capote


  1. Last night,after a very happy family day,we,my husband and I where sitting in the garden.With only the light from one candle and the stars.Just enjoying the silence...Suddenly the wind changed.We have very big trees in the garden and when the wind blows into the treetops its like sitting close to the see ,like waves in the distance.It was september saying 'Hello..
    Thank you for sharing this lovely words today..
    One of my favorite books is from Truman Capote...Breakfast at Tiffany's
    Have a great first of September.

  2. I was sitting in my car last week waiting for my daughter to finish with registration at school. As I was drawing a green maple leaf that had fallen on my windshield, a small yellow leaf flew into my window onto my sketch pad. It was Autumn saying hello, I think...

  3. Have I ever been waiting for September to arrive! Autumn is near and I welcome the approaching ritual of pulling out turtle necks, scarves, and long tartan/plaid skirts! Lovely post, as always...The image is breathtaking.

  4. Autumn in New York, means September, back to school, summer is over and a time of change. I was married in September and I remember the bluest skies
    and feeling so loved by those who came from far and near. The saddest part of September for me is 9-11, shortly after, I know I became ill due to all the stress of so many lives taken too soon.
    I still love September.

  5. Hi Pamela!

    Thanks so much for visiting me. It's so much fun to meet other bloggers. I hope you'll come again. I've sure enjoyed visiting you and getting to meet Edward and Apple...what cutie pies! Miss Daisy says to give them hugs and kisses from her. Wish we lived close enough so they could play.


  6. Pamela, I have just spent some time reading your recent words. How beautiful your writing is. How perfectly it captures your thoughts in a way we readers can truly feel.

    September is my month too. Not only because it is my birth month, but because in September I feel like I can accomplish anything. September makes me feel invincible. This year especially, I'm going to run with that feeling clutched to my heart.

    I look forward to reading many more of your past posts.

  7. Pamela

    I've taken some time today to catch up with all your wonderfully said, no matter the topic! Hope you enjoy this Labor Day as a day of rest and quiet!

  8. You've written a lovely little ode to September and favorite season too. I wish we would have crisp, chill evenings, but ours don't come till November. Nevertheless, the magic of autumn is on its way!

  9. Beautifully written and a beautiful image to go with the peerless prose.

  10. A most beautiful picture to go with the sublime description of September.

  11. You picked a lovely illustration to bring breezy autumn days to mind.

  12. Yes, Happy September! We were thinking along the same lines today. :)

  13. Very sweet. I wished you a Happy New Year over in the comments section at 29 Black Street as I seem to remember you, like me, thinks of this month as the beginning of a brand new year. So cheers to a fabulous one and thank you for everything this past difficult one ... your kindness has meant the world to me and my girl Miss D. woof to A & E. !

  14. Wonderful atmospheric painting. My fave time of the year is Autumn, but here in Okieland this means another months wait. Enjoy...

  15. A beautiful post and a lovely picture! You can certainly tell when the chilly nights start that fall is here!

  16. You have the best quotes! And illustrations! And reflections!
    I always love my visits to your cyber-home!

  17. Autumn, my absolute favorite time of year. This took me there. I don't have autumn where I live, so thank you.

  18. Ah, yes already September! How did August become such a short month this year ?

    I do love autumn the best of all seasons. I was married in early October on a glorious day filled with fall colors over 30 years ago, so it's always filled my life with joy!

  19. What a beautiful tribute to what is possibly my favorite season and to love. How very sweet and touching. I had my first date with my hubby in September, too. Thanks for bringing back such special memories for me.


  20. Such a beautiful piece of writing! We have blue skies and sunshine today, summer it seems is reluctant to depart after hiding away behind grey clouds for the whole of August.

  21. Over here in England, September has most definitely heralded the start of autumn. Not as magically as your depiction, but with much wind and rain. Very welcome, nonetheless.

  22. Yes Autumn is wonderful. I was out in it today seeing the blackberries and seeds and the farmers rushing to get the harvest in. We've not yet got to the colourful leaves but soon soon.

  23. Delightful blog! So glad I found you as I am in the south too(AL) and would love to go back to the Scottish Highlands (went 2 years ago)also! AND I am in love with DOGS! I have a tricolor Cavalier King Charles Spaniel named BO! He is wonderful! Your precious one is a cutie pie!
    I am looking forward to visiting you often!
    God Bless,
    MimiLee <><

  24. September, the month to indulge in the simplest of pleasures; the ripening of apples hanging red from the tree seducing us with the white, crisp flesh that is only a bite away, the return of migrating birds visiting the garden as they feast for the long flight ahead,the coolness of the night leaving heavy dew on the grass and fog across the landscape...
    To each and everyone of us September is something different but shared by the memories it stirs.
    xo Susan

  25. We stood by the river this morning and watched the mist swirl and spiral, listened to the crows and felt the mellow early rays of the cooling sun..this was a perfect start to the day....your post and writing has given it a perfect end
    Goodnight and gods bless you
    Lynn xx

  26. I am a true lover of autumn. It is my favorite season. I am always so pleased after I come here to read your wonderful prose. I feel a bit guilty to be able to read such beautiful things without having to pay a penny! Thankyou. :)

  27. P.S. Honestly I assumed I had already linked you in my blogging friends! I appreciate you so very much and am not sure what happened. But I have remidied that situation so I will easliy be able to pop over often! I feel like every time I visit I have just had a very satisfying chat and a cup of tea with a dear friend. Thanks again!

  28. You will have to post a pic of your winter wedding! So good to love and be loved after many years. The world turns - spring for me and autumn for you. Tell Ed, we love all his visits.

  29. Thank you so much for your sweet comments about my tassel. Sometimes, I really struggle with decorating, however, I still love it.


  30. Another beautifully written post, your joy in September and all it has to offer shines through your words. The picture to illustrate them is lovely, too :)

  31. What a magic painting.
    Do we all love September out there?
    It really is one of my favorite months.
    Greetings from NY!

  32. Gorgeous as ever. September is one of the best, isn't it?

  33. Pamela, I agree. Late summer and early autumn are the best times of the year. You've captured it so well in both image and prose. A winter wedding must have been cozy, and it sounds like a happy marriage.

  34. The first light graced the coolees as we drove south on Sept 2nd. The leaves are starting to yellow in places. The deer were out in the fields and a light frost blanked the shadows still. It's cooler so it took till 1.30pm for the Cuthroats to start moving but when they spotted the Green Drakes coming off the dinner gong sounded.
    Ahh the sights, sounds & slurps of Autumn!!

  35. Beautifully, beautifully written. I loved it.

  36. Thank you for your visit to Nick’s Bytes. I appreciate your comment. You know, I haven’t always been a cat-person; Alex is the first cat to own me. Prior to him I owned dogs.

    You have a lovely blog! I shall immediately add you to my blog list!

    Blessings and more to you both. (Alex likes woofie doggies).

  37. Ah yes! I adore September. And October. Maybe my two favorite months of the year. After a fairly dismal summer, we are currently enjoying a glorious early fall. hurrah.

  38. aah - September, my favourite month. "Season of mists...."etc. Ripeness and fulfilment in everything. Golden mornings, warm days and gentle nights. No hot, glaring skies, no bitter cold - a perfect balance.
    A sense of expectation of what is to come. This, for me, is the turning of the year

  39. Lovely,lovely post and wonderful blog..


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